Youth Sector, the mind boggling self-proclaimed ‘art-rock’ four piece, release yet another single into their catalogue of music which absolutely stakes a claim for one of the most catchy songs which you’ll come across.
Of all the things that are to be said about this song the feature point that I took away from the first listen was the masterful lyricism. I can’t single out any particular lyric because every line is just as good as the last. To get to this level of songwriting takes years of practice and it’s obviously something that whoever is behind the lyrics has spent a lot of time on.
‘Won’t Stop The Wheel’ is a track which in its whole form is brilliantly written and does exactly what a great song should do in leaving you singing it back. I do however find this song to be a little bit irritating to listen to. The first time you listen it’s like ‘wow this is great’ then beyond that it sort of just grates on the ears a little bit.
The lads have done amazingly to make a song that’s musically changing throughout with various dynamic shifts and changes in sound. This does keep the song at least a bit interesting, as there are things that catch your ear throughout the track to add a bit of intrigue. When I say that the song can be a bit irritating to listen to, it’s just on the grounds of it being rather repetitive. Repetition, within music, is a key concept that is taught from the word go. However, I just feel that sometimes tracks like this can become a bit too repetitive in places.
‘Won’t Stop The Wheel’ definitely gets caught in your head and displays some great musical understanding with little to fault in that regard, it could maybe just have done with a little more time being spent on the track to make it feel less cluttered with repetitions of the chorus. Another verse or maybe a bigger change in musical direction within the middle 8.
Take nothing away from the quality of this band, these lads are beyond talented and obviously know their way around their instruments. I just expected a little more from this track.
Written by Simon Stirzaker