If unforgettable could be defined by a piece of music this would absolutely fit that position. This track throughout is just full of everything that is good about a piece of music.
Smith has some seriously impressive accolades behind him and has been on quite the journey through music in recent years. This becomes apparent through just the sheer quality of the music. Tom, quite clearly, has an out of this world understanding of how to write a song and where to place things in each section and it makes for some seriously impressive tunes.
It’s always great to see young artists on the rise and listening to this track I absolutely can’t wait to hear more from Tom. The guitar tones, the bouncy feel of the track, that brilliant vocal performance or just the musicianship required to write like this. All of this is displayed in just one track with the latest release ‘Little Bits’.
Very rarely do i find absolutely no fault in a track but in this one I just can’t pick out anything that’s wrong. From writing right the way through to production this song has been executed to perfection and is delivered by a young artist who is making music with a sensibility way beyond his own years.
Written by Simon Sitrzaker