A song very much written for the people by a band from an extremely relatable background. ‘This Town’ by The White Roses is an in your face, guitar driven banger.
The immediate standout of this track is the vocal performance from singer Ellie. There’s a real beauty and innocence about the way such harsh and blunt lyrics are delivered in this performance. Unfortunately the mix of the track does very slightly let this down as the vocals seem to sink into the depths of the music a little too much. It just feels like they should be a bit more of a focal point at times.
Musically this song can’t really be faulted, the band deliver a very strong piece which somehow, still manages to put across the attitude of the actual song musically. A real testament to what can be done with a piece of music.
I’ll absolutely look forward to hearing much more from The White Roses if they keep up work like this.
Written by Simon Stirzaker