‘This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things’ is so captivating from the get go that you’d immediately struggle to tell that this is the debut single from Stockport boys The Maddocks.
It doesn’t happen often that a bands debut single is this good, honestly they’ve set the bar high for their next release. You’d have to imagine as a listener that the only way is up from here for The Maddocks.
There’s this great balance in the bands debut single between a real punky feel but such a great indie pop bounce at the same time. Lovely soaring guitar tones and some great production to ping pong them from side to side in your ears during the guitar solo, a real nice touch to add to an already great track.
Perhaps one of the greatest qualities of this track is the anthemic nature of it. It just has all the feel of a track that you’d scream at the top of your lungs in a pit at a dark-fruits infused indie gig. This track is one that’s more than certainly going to be added to my playlists and I’m sure many other people will do the same.
Very excited to hear what The Maddocks have in store after this song. I’m sure whatever they do it’ll build on this amazing release and they’ll keep gaining ground.
Written by Simon Stirzaker
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