After the success of their debut single ‘This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things’, The Maddocks are back once again with a second single; it’s just as high as the standards they’ve previously set!
‘If Anyone Can’ is full of high gain, grungey guitars and catchy hook lines. Just as I’d come to expect from previous music from the band.
The only small improvement I can hear that could be made within this track is within the drum mix. It seems as if all that can be heard are the ‘sub-bass’ frequencies at times, a kick drum should be way more in your face than this is and I think that’s due to the mix of the frequencies.
That aside, this track is really infectious. The melodies get caught in your head and the hook of the song is equally as catchy.
Yet another huge release from this fast rising band. It’s hard to believe that a song like this is only the bands second single.
Written by Simon Stirzaker