An instant slap in the face from a track full of pure angst. The Empire Police, a powerful upcoming quartet from the north west of England, have released their latest musical work ‘Northern Bones’.
This track has some real contrast, immediately, between the instrumental lines and the vocal performance which is within the track. The music is a real hammerblow to the ears with a mammoth sounding bass guitar alongside some high gain guitars and huge drums. The vocal however, as well as being very powerful, is quite elegant in sound. The tonality is somehow gentle at the same time as really ripping through the mix. It’s really quite unique to hear such a great voice as this.
Another main talking point on this track is the production. Right from the off, the track sounds like a well established band and if you were to tell me these lads were some famous band with a label budget to make this song, I wouldn’t bat an eyelid. Everything in there just fits together so perfectly, even down to that fine detail of the vocal production in the verses which lifts when the chorus hits.
The Empire Police have an extremely unique sound and after recent support shows with the likes of Twisted Wheel and The Sherlocks, I’m sure the lads have quite the future in store for themselves.
With tracks like this latest release ‘Northern Bones’ these lads will only keep building upon the successes they’ve seen so far.
Written by Simon Strizaker