Guitar Driven indie glory is being brought to the table with Satyr Play’s latest single ‘Like A Ghost’. The whole of this track is constantly building and dropping and just constantly staying interesting throughout. I can’t imagine my ears ever getting tired of this.
The obvious part of this track which I want to comment on is the guitar parts. They just add so much to this track and are more than definitely one of the main attractions of this track as well as being a huge earworm. The guitars are just written so well that I’ve actually found myself singing the riff back to myself beyond the initial listen to the track.
‘Like A Ghost’ is composed to perfection. Every part of this track sits in place both in their musical values and their production values. Nothing sticks out too far and nothing is too low in the mix and everything just sort of ties together very neatly.
Coming in at under three minutes long, I was initially a bit cautious that this track might not have enough time to say everything which it needed to. I was however, proved very wrong. Satyr Play needed no more than the time they gave themselves to deliver exactly what they needed to. A song which is clear, concise and to the point in its performance, you won’t find much better music from any up-and-coming artist than what Satyr Play are making.
Written by Simon Stirzaker