The latest release from Sad Boys Club sees them bring a slower, more emotional song to the table. It’s a track full of beautiful string parts and just some huge sounding instrumental lines in general.
One thing that absolutely cannot be knocked about this track is the sheer quality of production. Every bit of attention to detail has been put into ‘Cemetery Song, 20/5’ to make it sound as huge a song as it is.
However, for all of the great in this track, there is one huge flaw. The song just feels like it drags all the way through. It isn’t something that feels intentional, just at times the song feels a bit too repetitive and lacking life. There’s definitely more change needed both melodically and dynamically in this track. These may all be choices made deliberately for a slower track on the album, but the track just isn’t really an attention grabber.
Sad Boys Club have produced a very well written sort of story with this one, just one that feels musically as if it could be developed a little further to add more interest.
Written by Simon Stirzaker