After first meeting at the famous Metropolis studios back in 2016, founding members of Prima Queen Louise and Kristin instantly hit it off musically and are still blessing our ears now with great music.
‘Eclipse’, now almost a year old is a perfect example of the sumptuous music which Prima Queen keep putting out. Polished production, incredible vocal abilities and instrumentation that compliments all of it perfectly.
Prima Queen have not only been making waves with incredible tunes like this but have also been playing some of the countries most prestigious venues and some incredible festivals of late. A name fast on the rise I imagine this talented duo have a long way to go before they reach their peak!
‘Eclipse’ just has that beautiful balance between story-telling music and a huge chorus. It took me all of about 30 seconds of listening to bang this one straight into my playlist and I’m now knee deep in the rest of the discography.
An incredible band and one I’m glad have come across my ears. Absolutely a name to be on the lookout for in the coming years, Prima Queen, raw talent.
Written by Simon Stirzaker