Nothing For Breakfast are another band coming from the brilliant scene which has been building for bands out in Italy recently. Their latest release ‘Time Machine’ is one with huge electronic underpinnings and in many ways does feel like being placed in a time machine back to the old music of 70s and 80s with a hint of something new and fresh added in there.
I do feel in places, as harsh a criticism as this may be, that the track does try to do a little bit too much and has too much in it. Understandably the band are trying to create their own sound and it’s a beautiful one at that but I just feel like there’s too many layers of little guitar parts and synth parts dropping in and out that in my opinion don’t need to be there. Their function in the track is noticeable but I’d love to hear the track without these little parts added.
‘Time Machine’ however, is a track which is very infectious and I did find myself quickly singing along to this track and bopping my head along. It feels like a real nod to times gone by in many ways. A track which touches on some really classic musical influences while also being completely original and it’s own thing.
You’d be hard pressed to find much wrong in this track and with the rest of the discography of lads from Florence. Having played US tours in both 2016 and 2017 you can really see how a band like this is popular across many parts of the world. The sound of Nothing For Breakfast is one that is so familiar and comfortable to listen to making their records that little bit more loveable than they already are.
Written by Simon Stirzaker