Anglesey born, now Manchester based starlet Megan Wyn released yet another exciting tune earlier this month and it’s one that fit’s virtually any mood! I could listen to this song on repeat for hours and just not ever get bored.
Megan has made a huge amount of noise on the local circuit since moving to Manchester aged just 16. Playing huge festivals like Truck Festival, Isle of Wight and The Great Escape as well as packing out shows in Manchester and around the UK, it feels like we’re witnessing the start of a huge star being born with Megan. A generational talent as it were.
This track not only features some really impressive composition and writing, but it’s all tied together with one of the catchiest vocals I’ve heard this year. The track starts as it means to go on with some great melodies and by the time you reach the chorus it somehow feels like you’ve heard this song a hundred times before. Megan clearly has a real talent for putting pen to paper and just creating absolute magic. The lyrics, though simplistic, just ooze heartfelt emotions and that’s what makes this song so instantly relatable, likeable and familiar.
There’s so much soul in the voice of Megan Wyn, take nothing away from her band that back her as they’re obviously a huge part of this incredible musical project. But Megan just seems to shine beyond all of it. The voice and sound of a woman who sounds like she has experience beyond her years. Seriously, if I didn’t know who Megan Wyn was and you told me this was a track from some huge award winning artist I probably wouldn’t question it too much.
A long way to go for Megan Wyn and her band, an artist who is still seemingly at the start of her upward trajectory in the music scene. I’d absolutely back her to blow away the Manchester scene, the UK scene and even beyond that! What a voice, what a writer and overall just what an incredible talent.
Written by Simon Stirzaker
Photo by Sam Crowston