Low Hummer, a band who are masters at telling the stories of the way we all live, this song ‘Connected’ is lyrically, extremely relevant and one that I’m sure many people would relate to. A track which is seemingly about our use of phones and the modern world all wrapped up in good old post-punk music.
The attitude of this track feels almost like the definition of what a punk attitude is. There’s a real sense of revolt against the modern world which we live in within the story of the song.
A very rigid drumbeat and instrumental parts that reflect the mundane nature of the story in the song, this is a masterclass in music that is full of emotion and feeling.
My absolute favourite part of this track is the way the vocals are delivered, along with all the instrumental parts its the delivery of the music and performance that makes ‘Connected’ the track that it is.
A perfect song to summarise the modern world wrapped up in easy listening music, what more could you ask for.
Written by Simon Stirzaker