Confusing and mind boggling but in the best way possible. The only description I can find that is fitting for the latest single from Garvie. This track does not feel like it’s going to go where it does when it starts but when it travels there, it is the greatest musical surprise to the ears!
The track starts with these really light hearted synth parts that feel like they’re leading into some shimmering indie pop track. Until you’re hit with those huge drum stabs and realise you’re about to be taken on a very different sonic journey than what you first imagined.
I do feel like this song is written and composed to perfection but I just feel the production in places could be a bit better. Those drums, although incredibly effective, sit a bit too far forward in the mix compared to the other instruments and it makes the track almost a little violent to listen to.
Aside from this one part of the mix, the track itself is incredible. It’s almost beyond recreation because it’s just such an original concept in how the song is formed. That sort of shock to the ears is a refined taste but wow is it amazing.
‘Never Learn’ is a track that most definitely wouldn’t sound out of place on Kerrang and would most definitely be enjoyed by any lover of rock music.
Written by Simon Stirzaker
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