Fake A Smile have just released their latest body of work and I can honestly say, it has definitely left me with an ‘appetite’ for something a bit more.
Coming in at only one minute and forty-eight seconds long, I was immediately apprehensive of this song. It just feels like it may need a bit more. This isn’t of any detriment to the quality of musicianship of the band themselves, nor am I saying by any stretch of the imagination that this is a poor piece of music. It’s just that there’s a feeling that this piece of music, like any, has a message to deliver and must have a meaning. I’m just not really getting that properly from this song.
Produced by Mercury Award winning producer Gianluca Buccellati (Arlo Parks, Biig Piig), you really can’t knock the standard of production. There’s a real understanding of where everything should sit within the track and there’s nothing that sticks out too far or sounds out of place. This is also helped by a band who are also obviously playing very well in the studio.
My only other picking point within this track is that I don’t get a very honest vibe from the song. I’m not sure what it is but I just don’t feel like the band really believe what they’re doing or performing. The one part I should point out that is absolutely believable in this track is the vocal performance, I’m hung on every word that is sung.
These are some super harsh points to bring up, however, this track isn’t without it’s positives. The rhythm of the track gets you tapping your toes along and I can imagine would definitely get a crowd moving.
All in all, a song which I think I just wanted something a little bit more from but by no means a bad piece of music.
Written by Simon Stirzaker