The former front man and songwriter of BINES, Danny Bowles, has returned with a brand new solo project which has seem him take a different avenue than his previous band. Danny has released his debut solo single ‘Wake Me (My Dear)’ and it is a beautiful poetic introduction to himself.
‘Wake Me (My Dear)’ originally started out as a poem when Danny tried to adopt a new way of writing from the raucous BINES sounds that he become known for. “I had always got the melody first and then lyrics came afterwards, but with this tune I wrote the words into a poem to start with. Then the melody just dropped out of the sky one day and I couldn’t believe how well the two went together.” said Danny Bowles about his songwriting process.
This debut song is an extremely emotional song to release into the world as your first offering, yet it perfectly sums up the feeling of the times at the moment. It’s about wanting to share all your time with that person or people you love. Making the most of the time together and when you have the opportunity and not wasting it longing for something else. Now that the world has started to come back together since Covid-19 it’s seems a very apt sentiment.
Danny has adapted his sound, having spent the last 6 years with BINES creating a 90’s Cool Britannia sound he’s now stripped back the guitars and given more of a focus to his vocals – which have really shone through in this opening song. The future’s looking bright for Danny Bowles who says that he has a catalogue of songs he started and never finished with BINES which deserve to be heard and with this new more emotional and intimate sound it will bring the songs closer to his people and resonate more.
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Written by Stuart Daley