Sometimes, the unexpected slaps you right in the face with a piece of music, ‘Love Like A Grain Of Sand’ from 3FIVE3 has exactly that effect.
Often, I find that spoken word within music can become largely dull and unpleasant to listen to. However, on the contrary with this latest track from this extremely unique artist.
This track encapsulates so much emotion and is delivered in the form of pure poetry. Something which was what inspired 3FIVE3’s Elliot Godden into writing the music he does now.
The music of the track just sort of ambles it’s way along and grooves enough for the main part of the vocals to shine through, an expert understanding of exactly what this song requires. With a track like this, the production has to be absolutely spot on to make sure every word that is being spoken is heard with extreme clarity. The production of the vocals, and every other aspect of the track for that matter, does this track so much justice.
An immense story telling talent, 3FIVE3 have just gained a new fan in myself and I’m sure with this sort of writing the music will connect with many more people and the fans will come flooding in. This track and style of music is something quite special.
Written by Simon Stirzaker