‘The Cova Guide to Sunset Vibes’, Indie-rock heads The Covasettes’ September EP, earned them recognition from the likes of BBC Introducing and Amazing Radio. They’re a band who are sure to feel right at home on any festival circuit. The four piece’s most recent release is packed full of sun-drenched hooks and upbeat, infectious melodies you’ll want to revisit.
Opening track ‘Sun Struck’, teases its sun-drenched hooks from the name alone. Vocal-heavy, thanks to lead vocalist Chris Buxton’s fierce croons, his voice accommodates a similar texture to Circa Waves’ Kieran Shudall. Some vocal harmonies are introduced halfway through the verse, which teases the listener’s perception of the slightly lengthy first verse before diving into the upbeat “so tell me where to go now” pre-chorus. Breezing through the chorus lyrics ‘Cause I’m sunstruck,’ Chris demonstrates flexibility within his higher register. The guitar has spidery like lines working its way through the track delivering a mighty first impression.
‘One Track Mind’ has a self-assurance to it, although the lyrics sang in high energy have a vulnerability to them. Meanwhile, the guitar dips in and out on the offbeat. Occasionally sparse, where needed, to leave room for the other instruments and dynamical changes. The song also features an infectious bass part that sees the light of day, particularly in the second verse. The drums fill all the required pockets with leading energy.
The reverb-soaked guitar satisfyingly follows the vocal line in ‘By My Side.’ With additional catchy ‘oohs’ and high end plucks. The chorus guitar lines are thin yet ambient, similar to those of Two Door Cinema Club. These vary towards the end of the track as the guitar purposely transitions into different angular shapes.
‘Sink or Swim’ is a simple, laid back song that quickly builds into its chorus, then decays even faster. Unlike every other track on the ep, this song has filled verses and a sparse, quiet chorus. Meaning the lull of a guitar and withheld vocals can be heard for a moment before jumping back into the repeated guitar sequence. Chris sings the lyrics, “I’ll jump in, then it’s sink or swim”. The bridge is a subtle transition, as a separate descending melody before the song eventually peters out.
Every track on ‘The Cova Guide to Sunset Vibes’ could fit tidily onto the soundtrack of a coming of age film. Full of nostalgia for the late-noughties indie rock scene, ‘The Cova Guide to Sunset Vibes’ brings back hazy summer memories, every track strong enough to be a single in its own right.
Written by Emma Way