Drifting somewhere between heartbreak and a musical feeling of rejoice, KIDS have delivered what is a real journey through their lives in London with their debut EP.
Right from the off, there’s some swaggering rhythms with the opener Worthy which feels like a really fitting opener to what is a well put together collection of songs.
We are then nicely shifted onto the bands newest single from the EP ‘The Boy Won’t Grow Up’. Which feels like an utterly heartfelt and honest track, a nice shift on from the story of the first tune, with that same storytelling carrying over.
One feature that carries nicely through this whole track list is the genre-defying rap that the lead vocalist provides. Perhaps the most intriguing of all the rhythmic mastery displayed on this record is within the next track, ‘Alcohol & Cigarettes’ somehow has this really huge groovy drum beat that goes on throughout whilst never overstepping the mark and leaving room for what is above it.
One of the harder skills within a band is to make sure there is space for everything else musically. A skill that can take a long time to develop. However, the lads in KIDS seem to have this absolutely nailed on.
The next couple of tracks carry on with all their liveliness and storytelling just as the rest of the record which precedes. We then come to the closer on the record in ‘Nightbus’ which is a stark contrast to the rest of the songs and has a nice calm feel. Almost like you’ve had the whole story and everything surrounding it and it’s now time for a bit of a cool down.
Overall, an extremely well put together set of songs from a band who clearly have an abundance of talent and are combining it to make this really refreshing and unique sound.
If this is only part 1 of this story turned record, I will be thoroughly looking forward to hearing what the next collection of music has in store.
Written by Simon Stirzaker