Leeds really is becoming a real hotspot for upcoming music lately and Artio are yet another in the string of great bands coming through. This time a bit of a heavier band with this release ‘Product Of My Own Design’ being a track which is ready made to head bang to. 

Sometimes you can just sort of picture when a band would create really sweaty, yet fun pits with their music. Artio is one band who I can imagine creating a really great atmosphere at their live shows.

One big shock for me about this song is that it’s self-produced by the band. It’s one thing to hear this amount of ability in a track but it’s even more mind blowing when you factor in that these guys have literally done all of the recording and mixing themselves.

Released through Slam Dunk Records, ‘Product Of My Own Design’ is the latest in a string of singles leading up to the release of the bands new EP ‘Pyrokid’ which releases on May 5th. This is an EP I will more than definitely be eagerly anticipating. The music of Artio just has this way of making you feel certain emotions and that’s a quality I really admire in any music.

Absolutely insane. My applause goes to Artio for this, I can’t commend them enough.

Written by Simon Stirzaker

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